The Bender Guitar Shop - Bender-Lock(tm)


Does your BENDER guitar cramp your style? Can't do those Pete Townsend windmills while playing your bender guitar? Or maybe you just don't want to bring the other guitar if you could somehow keep your bender from bending after you leap over the bass player on that rock tune in the middle of your well planned country set.

Or even the unthinkable thought is sounding more tolerable. Leave the bender guitar at home. Well think no more. On the other hand keep thinking but think something different.

Now you can lock that bender down with the Bender-Lock(tm) from SteelBender Innovations. Benders are great. The only problem is you can't make them not be great when you want. Install the Bender-Lock from SteelBender and leave that other guitar at the house.

Our Bender-Lock(tm) will work on ALL Parsons White and Parsons Green bender guitars.

Bender-Lock(tm) Price ......................$55 (Includes Bender-Lock Tool and free installation)
Bender Mag-Lock(tm) magnetic tool.....$5

Give us a call at the The Bender Guitar Shop (281) 894-8121 and bend our ear for a while. Let us know what you think.

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